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Migrate WordPress site from shared hosting to Digital Ocean
In order to migrate WordPress site from your Hosting provider to other Hosting provider you need to follow few steps.
- Login to your existing cPanel and go inside File Manager and open the folder where you have INSTALLED WordPress.
- Now copy all the files into a zip folder
- Download the .Zip file in your PC.
- Now go to Back Up wizard in your cpanel and take a backup of MySQL database
- Download the .gz file in your local PC.
- Just install 7 zip from here . Now Open the .gz file from this 7 zip program
- Now drag and drop that SQL file outside of that zipped content open with note pad and then press Ctrl+ H(Find & Replace)
- Find the old wordpress installed URL for ex. http://olddomain.com/folder and replaced it with new URL. Now again drag and drop this SQL file into that sql.gz file inside 7 zip and replace the existing file (Note: Ignore this step if you trying to migrate WordPress to new cPanel with same domain name)
- Now Login to your new cPanel account open File Manager
- Go inside public_html file and upload the .Zip file
- After it gets uploaded Extract it!!
- After this Login to your new cPanel and go to Backup Wizard and click on restore section
- Final step -select the database and Upload the .gz file.
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So this actually isn’t a hard project. There are just a few basic steps:
- Create your instance in Digital Ocean. I believe they have a 1 click wordpress install.
- Create a backup of your current site
- Import it into the new wordpress site
- Update the DNS on your domain.
This simplifies the process but with a plugin it shouldn’t be too hard to move your WordPress site over.
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